Monday, March 21, 2011

You live and You learn

I was performing my prayers yesterday when my toddler decided to climb on top of me during prostration. He is innocent and really doesn't know much. My goal is that he will soon copy me because he is at this learning stage. After prayers, I took some time to reflect on how far I have come to now. I would have never thought of myself being a mom now. I am grateful that I am because you see how much you sacrifice for them. You will literally give up your plate of food for them in a heart beat (if you have to). I have been so busy with the kids that I haven't had a chance to really do some other projects. I figured I would put up this blog post because not only is it therapeutic but it is also a good way for you too look through my window of life.

I was also thinking of participating in hijabi fashion week. Are any of you thinking about it? Please let me know. I have a few ideas of some outfits I would like to put together. I like to come up with my own style now. I have gotten comfortable with some hijab styles and some clothing as well.

Now that I am a muslimah, I have had to an intervention on my closet. No, SERIOUSLY!! I was wearing lots of stuff that just can't be worn now. So I decided to donate the clothes to charity and also sending some of my kids clothes (that no longer fits them) to my country's poor.

I hope everyone is well and in good health. Until the next post (inshallah)...

Salam walaikum

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