Sunday, February 27, 2011

Yes it does get sweeter

Wow. What can I say. Today is a monumental day. A day that will go down in history books. Today was my first day wearing hijab. Today was also my mother's birthday. So I just went with the flow of things. I just decided that whatever it is I can be brave and keep reminding myself that I am following Allah's command. I kept thinking oh gosh my family will think the worst of me. Instead they just opened their arms and lifted me up with honor, respect and praise. I love it! I still have to invest in more hijabs and undercaps. But, this is progress. A lot of people have been a positive influence to me a long the way. A select few of hijabi YT gurus have been a total inspiration for me. You ladies are awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Salam Sister,
    WOW first and foremost congratulations and HAMDOULLILAH! I am so happy for you and understand how u are feeling on your first day!I had the same thought and hamdoullilah until today I never made an negative experience with NOONE!!
    I am feeling more confident then ever and it is literally a blessing! WELCOME into hijab sister!
    P.s. are you moroccan?
